Thursday, January 8, 2009

Christmas in California

The UPS package containing my camera (that I left on my sister's coffee table in California) arrived today.

Here are a few pictures from my trip to the O.C. for Christmas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are lovely pix, Gil, I was sorry I didn't get to spend anytime with Susan; however, there were some other lovely moments I will treasure and focus on those for my personal Christmas moments and glad they had a wonderful time with you. We got back a week later than we planned, had a scary experience
when the car died suddenly on the freeway and glad it wasn't us who died. It brings to mind how quickly a life can go in a blink; my New Year's Resolution is to create as many good times and moments in the short time we have left here. It made Gary and I realize our
distance from Pepper is so limited in time as well;she learns new skills everyday in everyway - witnessing some of them at Christmastime to share with Billy and Susan was a sheer joy- my other resolution, I am making a big effort for this year is to become "less Peggy"; less noisy, be more ladylike... it will be difficult but I am willing to do it for the sake of family peace and maybe (quiet...)...
Gary and I are disappointed Pepper won't be coming to California in February;we must accept any decisions Susan and Billy believe is best for their circumstances and desires and we will miss this opportunity; maybe there will still be a chance this can happen...we hope so - I am thinking this age thing is very much on our minds and our near
accident. Gary told Susan about it today. I am glad you got your camera back. That would freak me out
to think I might have lost mine. We don't have any
photos of us together this holiday. I was so looking forward to a b and w family foto of Lovely Pepperoni Cometti and her Parents. Ciao for now, I hope your New Year is Wonderful - Peggy Noni,Mimi,Grammy,Momma-Mia...whatever, I turn out to be named - I am sure Pepper will come up with something - I am hopeful we don't have to wait another year to see her, Susan, Billy again...