I just spent the last 90 minutes in Circuit City for what should have been a very simple task - picking up a digital camera (for Billy & Susan). I rang the toll-free number and ordered & paid for it in advance so that I could simply go to the customer service desk to pick it up. After an annoying 20 minute wait on line I was finally called up to the counter. After typing on her terminal for what seemed like forever, the clerk informed me that the system was down, to come back tomorrow. No way, I said...after speaking to her, the manager & the customer service line I ended up having to buy another camera. I'll have to pick up the extra camera and then return it for credit within the next 2 weeks. Arrgh!
Now I must pack as it's off to London tomorrow for Billy's big 4-0 birthday party. I was originally coming back on Monday but since Teddy's coming with me and this is his first trip to London I changed the ticket and we're staying a few extra days. And we got a very good deal on Virgin Atlantic premium economy (they had sent me $400 off coupons for PE tickets booked within 7 days of travel).
Oh Crap. Sorry about all that- it should have been a 5 minute errand. I guess nothing is really simple. We appreciate your going to all that trouble for us. Thanks.
Billy (and Susan)
Not a problem. I feel about circuit city the way you do about duane reade. They don't deserve to be capitalized.
You did not get 2 miles per dollar by purchasing VIA AAdvantage shopping? For shame Gil.... ;)
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