My rant today concerns teeth. One of the reasons I'm so into teeth is that when I was a kid one of the 3 things that I wanted to be when I grew up was a dentist. Another reason is that I've spent an inordinate amount of time and money at the dentist office. Hey, Dr. Cassidy, my root canal & crown paid for that cruise that you took on the QM2!
It's beyond belief that a certain wealthy blonde Swedish songstress, whom I happen to adore, has never bothered to fix her teeth. In the picture just above, you'll see that she has a gap between her central incisors and an eye tooth that's more like a fang as she's missing her bicuspid just below it as well as nearly all of her molars (on both sides). Her killer poodles are probably hunting me down at this very moment... Come to think of it, those poodles don't have very nice teeth either.

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